Lunar calendar for day 11. October 2024

Lunárna fáza - 8. deň

🌓Waxing crescent
(moon resembles letter D with its shape)
 CapricornCapricorn Stúpajúci mesiacMoon is acsending from the south point, heading to the north and it has a shape of bowl. Bowl is filling up - it's time to harvest.

Moon is under the influence of sign Capricorn.

Thinking is clearing up and focusing in one direction. Random thoughts are fading away, diligence is rewarded.

Cold day


Take great care of your knee, bones, joints and skin.    


minerals & salts

- The most powerful nutrition for today are minerals and salts, it's time to nourish your blood. Salts and minerals have more strength and they are more easily absorbed. Give yourself some mineral rich vegetables or supplements, but take care with salty foods. You can have urge to put more salt on everything, but today it can make you feel tired. The safest way to get all required minerals and salts into your body is by taking a bath in salty water. Couple of teaspoons of Epsom salt or Sea salt into the bathtub is enough. Your body will absorb just the right amount it needs.


active plant part
🥕 🍠

Herbs are most powerful for strengthening bones, joints and skin problems.