Lunar calendar for November 2024

Lunárna fáza - 29. deň

🌑New Moon (time when moon dissapears) ScorpioScorpio Klesajúci mesiacMoon is descending from the north point, turning to the south. It resembles bowl turned upside down. Bowl is emptying up - it's time to plant in.

Moon is under the influence of sign Scorpio.

It's hard to admit something. Strength is reaching inwards, secrets are tempting and unbelievably attractive.

Wet day


Take great care of your genitals a urinary duct.  


starchy foods

Starches have increased effect on the body today, it's the right time to support your nervous system. Bread in the bakery is sold out much faster during these days. Starchy foods can make you feel good today, but some people might experience flatulence even after a small portion. If you want to lose weight, then leave out any pastry dishes, bread, noodles, potatoes and rice for today.


active plant part

Herbs to support the genitals and excretory organs have the greatest power.

Lunárna fáza - 1. deň

🌓Waxing crescent
(moon resembles letter D with its shape)
 ScorpioScorpio Klesajúci mesiacMoon is descending from the north point, turning to the south. It resembles bowl turned upside down. Bowl is emptying up - it's time to plant in.

Moon is under the influence of sign Scorpio.

It's hard to admit something. Strength is reaching inwards, secrets are tempting and unbelievably attractive.

Wet day


Take great care of your genitals a urinary duct.    


starchy foods

- Starches have increased effect on the body today, it's the right time to support your nervous system. Bread in the bakery is sold out much faster during these days. Starchy foods can make you feel good today, but some people might experience flatulence even after a small portion. If you want to lose weight, then leave out any pastry dishes, bread, noodles, potatoes and rice for today.


active plant part

Herbs to support the genitals and excretory organs have the greatest power.


Lunárna fáza - 2. deň

🌓Waxing crescent
(moon resembles letter D with its shape)
 SagittariusSagittarius Bod zvratuTransition point between two powers.

Moon is under the influence of sign Sagittarius.

Future seems more important than the present and past. Bigger is more important that smaller. Steps are longer than any other day.

Warm day


Take great care of your thighs a veins.    


protein foods & fruits

- Protein foods and all of the fruits have increased effect on your body today. Food high in protein can do you good and taste awesome today, however if you are sensitive enough, even a small portion can make you feel nauseate. Notice your sensitivity to meat and legumes, next time you will know exactly which type of food you need to prefer during protein & fruit days. Fruits will give you much more energy today.


active plant part