Lunar calendar for year 2025 - full moon

Lunárna fáza - 14. deň

🌕Full Moon CancerCancer Klesajúci mesiacMoon is descending from the north point, turning to the south. It resembles bowl turned upside down. Bowl is emptying up - it's time to plant in.

Moon is under the influence of sign Cancer.

Emotions are getting deep and compelling. Inside seems more beautiful than outside. Everything grows wider today.

Wet day


Take great care of your chest, breasts, lungs, stomach, liver and gallbladder.  


starchy foods

Take special care what you eat today if you have any problems with gallblader. Starches and carbs have increased effect on the body today and it's the right time to support your nervous system. That means starchy foods can make you feel good today, but some people experience flatulence even after a small portion. Bread in the bakery is sold out much faster during starchy food days. Leave out any pastry dishes, bread, noodles, potatoes and rice if you want to lose wight.


active plant part

Herbs are most potent for the bronchial tubes, stomach, gallbladder and for cleansing the liver.

Lunárna fáza - 14. deň

🌕Full Moon LeoLeo Klesajúci mesiacMoon is descending from the north point, turning to the south. It resembles bowl turned upside down. Bowl is emptying up - it's time to plant in.

Moon is under the influence of sign Leo.

Muscles are growing, determination reigns. Courage is heading your way, obstacles will seem much easier to overcome. Joy from advanture.

Warm day


Take great care of your heart, back, diaphragm, blood circulation and veins.  


protein foods & fruits

Protein foods and all of the fruits have increased effect on your body today. Food high in protein can do you good and taste awesome today, however if you are sensitive enough, even a small portion can make you feel nauseate. Notice your sensitivity to meat and legumes, next time you will know exactly which type of food you need to prefer during protein & fruit days. Fruits will give you much more energy today.


active plant part


Lunárna fáza - 15. deň

🌕Full Moon VirgoVirgo Klesajúci mesiacMoon is descending from the north point, turning to the south. It resembles bowl turned upside down. Bowl is emptying up - it's time to plant in.

Moon is under the influence of sign Virgo.

Logic and rational thinking is dominating. Inclination to preciseness and small shy yet systematic steps. Days of Virgin sign can be described as measure twice, cut once.

Cold day


Take great care of your digestive tract, small intestines, colon, nerves, spleen and pancreas.  


minerals & salts

The most powerful nutrition for today are minerals and salts, it's time to nourish your blood. Salts and minerals have more strength and they are more easily absorbed. Give yourself some mineral rich vegetables or supplements, but take care with salty foods. You can have urge to put more salt on everything, but today it can make you feel tired. The safest way to get all required minerals and salts into your body is by taking a bath in salty water. Couple of teaspoons of Epsom salt or Sea salt into the bathtub is enough. Your body will absorb just the right amount it needs. Today is also great day to consume root crops - carrots, potatoes, beetroot, radish, onion, garlic or parsley. Choose the one you like the most and give yourself some healthy boost.


active plant part
🥕 🍠

  Herbs are most powerful for digestive problems, pancreatic problems and nervous disorders. The moon in the constellation Virgo is the day of roots. Anything to promote root growth is more effective and successful during these days than on other days.